A sitdown with Clayton Scott — IAME Financial Advisor
As IAME’s leading Financial Advisor, Clayton Scott is a fully-fledged Chartered Accountant and registered auditor. The vast experience he has accumulated over the years working in leadership roles within the financial sector is comprehensive and has been invaluable to every organisation he has worked with.
Having completed his articles at Ernst & Young and held leadership roles at firms like Wildner and Company, Clayton Scott is equipped with a unique skill set that is sought out by many corporations and large multinational organisations. Clayton is known for his expert insights on e-commerce platforms and strategic analysis. Beyond technology, there is a financial aspect to IAME that necessitates the right people with the right expertise.
Our Community Engagement team caught up with him for a quick interview where we spoke about his past work, the insights he is able to provide through his experience, and why the IAME project was particularly appealing to him. One thing is very evident about Clayton Scott — he is incredibly passionate about the work he does and even more committed to helping companies thrive. We are excited to have him on board as a valued advisor.
“IAME comprises a dynamic young team tackling a cumbersome system with disruptive technology, I’ll take my chances on that, any day.”
– Clayton Scott, Financial Advisor –
Tell us the Clayton Scott story — what has led you to the work you do today?
My passion has always been to be involved in business in all forms. I originally commenced my career as a chartered accountant with the view that it provided the most direct access to all forms of business and an excellent way to garner experience. During my time at Ernst & Young, I familiarised myself with more IT-related aspects of the assurance process and was fortunate enough to be involved in a number of e-commerce ventures after qualifying.
My entrepreneurial nature has driven me to create a number of businesses, both in the traditional finance field as well as the technical space. At present, I am a Director of 6 businesses, 3 of which operate in a technical environment. My skillset is also leveraged by many of my clients for strategic direction and smart analysis. The ability to mix finance and law with tech has provided me with a unique skillset which affords me an opportunity to offer different advice in various areas of a business’s operations.
Unlike your team members who focus on product development, you seem to have a dedicated focus on finance — what unique perspectives do you bring to the tech development space with that expertise?
Probably, the most valuable perspective is the link between a traditional world and the tech world — offering the ability to understand the developmental process whilst communicating this to a traditional world thinker is one of my strengths. In addition to this, I have the ability to aid the financial aspects of an operation, evaluate revenue lines, assess strategic financial risk, and support a team with these insights and proactive solutions give my interest an added advantage.
Given your work in the more conventional financial sector, how has this translated to working with companies in the more disruptive blockchain realm?
“Enlightening” is probably the best way to describe it. With the multiple use cases for this technology and the potential to revolutionise many businesses and processes, its uses appear at times almost unlimited. It still surprises me that a number of traditional business still box blockchain into the “ahhh you mean Bitcoin” basket. With regard to blockchain companies, a clearer picture of potentially solid business versus completely non-viable ones is starting to emerge.
Data security is a major issue that many in the financial space are concerned about — what are your thoughts on the existing technologies/approaches leveraged to address this?
I personally think that this is an area that is more and more relevant to every business, the requirements for GDPR and protection of information highlight exactly how our systems are currently inadequate to deal with protection of this level of information. Alternative technologies are required to really stem this risk and one which potentially turns this into worthless data is definitely a viable option.
Why IAME? What is it about the IAME team and technology that encouraged you to work with them?
IAME comprises a dynamic young team tackling a cumbersome system with disruptive technology, I’ll take my chances on that, any day.
Clayton’s experience in the financial segment, his expansive knowledge, and ability to adapt to the latest developments, makes him the perfect financial advisor for a blockchain startup like IAME. His insights will prove to be invaluable and game-changing to us.
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